Art of the Cowgirl is an annual event in Arizona hosted by Tammy Pate and a host of amazing artists, cowgirls, and horsewomen. For the past three years, Kim and Phyllis have been the workshop leaders for the event’s photography workshop and Cara minds the CWC art booth. In this episode, the Cowgirls with Cameras catch you up on the event, the workshop, and the adventure of event photography.
It's time to laugh, learn and take your photography to the
Jaz:next level with your favorite cowgirls with cameras, Cara, Kim
Jaz:and Phyllis.
Kimberly Beer:Hey there cowgirls with cameras. It's Kim
Kimberly Beer:with Kim Beer photography and Be More Business
Cara Taylor Swift:and Cara with Fast Horse Photography
Phyllis Burchett:and Phyllis with Phyllis Burchett Photo.
Kimberly Beer:And we're all here with the Cowgirls with
Kimberly Beer:Cameras podcast. So we're having a lot of fun with the podcast,
Kimberly Beer:we've started off our episode today with a really good laugh.
Kimberly Beer:So we're gonna hope that we bring those laughs and enjoyment
Kimberly Beer:to you today. So just a quick little rundown of what we're
Kimberly Beer:going to be talking about today, we're going to be giving you
Kimberly Beer:some updates on what's been going on in our world, which is
Kimberly Beer:probably going to be the most entertaining part of the
Kimberly Beer:podcast. So we'll get that up and going right away, then we're
Kimberly Beer:going to move on to talking about what's the Art of the
Kimberly Beer:Cowgirl and that experience that we had in January at this
Kimberly Beer:amazing event. So you're definitely going to want to hang
Kimberly Beer:around and learn about that and the inspirations that we all
Kimberly Beer:walked away with from that event. And then finally, we're
Kimberly Beer:going to be talking about some gear and gadgets. And Phyllis
Kimberly Beer:and I have both been playing around with mirrorless cameras.
Kimberly Beer:And we'd like to discuss that a little bit and our takeaways on
Kimberly Beer:the movement to mirrorless. And Cara has some things she'd like
Kimberly Beer:to add that will inspire those of you who are not jumping on
Kimberly Beer:the mirrorless bandwagon. So definitely want to hang around
Kimberly Beer:for that piece as well. So let's get started by finding out what
Kimberly Beer:everybody's been up to this last week here or what have you been
Kimberly Beer:doing?
Cara Taylor Swift:Well, let me tell you, it's not been
Cara Taylor Swift:glamorous, okay. It's not been like sunrises and sunsets all
Cara Taylor Swift:week long. I like to tell people sometimes that we operate and
Cara Taylor Swift:live at sunrises and sunsets, and this week has not been the
Cara Taylor Swift:case for me. I've had a lot of office work. I've been updating
Cara Taylor Swift:my artwork pricing guide for those of folks that are out
Cara Taylor Swift:there that offer product, I'm sure you are in shellshock a
Cara Taylor Swift:little bit as prices on all of the different types of mediums
Cara Taylor Swift:like Canvas and prints and metals. They're all going up. So
Cara Taylor Swift:I've had to adjust my pricing guide for artwork. And then I've
Cara Taylor Swift:been creating some art care cards, I thought it would be
Cara Taylor Swift:really fun to have something that when I give the artwork out
Cara Taylor Swift:that I give them something that tells them how to care for their
Cara Taylor Swift:new artwork. I have had two shoots this week, I had a
Cara Taylor Swift:beautiful equestrian senior session that took place at one
Cara Taylor Swift:of my favorite locations, the Florida Agricultural Museum, and
Cara Taylor Swift:that's the only place in Florida that I found that has a
Cara Taylor Swift:silhouette Hill. So that's always a big fun for me and I
Cara Taylor Swift:had a commercial tack shoot. And then the big thing is I've just
Cara Taylor Swift:been prepping for spring photoshootsSo lots of client
Cara Taylor Swift:meetings in anticipation of that and just kind of getting people
Cara Taylor Swift:geared up for their sessions and getting them scheduled for the
Cara Taylor Swift:spring and then the early fall. And then on a personal note, we
Cara Taylor Swift:had our very last basketball game for my son Easton, who's
Cara Taylor Swift:eight and he scored the winning shot. So it was crazy deal. They
Cara Taylor Swift:were tied. They had to go into overtime. And then right at the
Cara Taylor Swift:end, he scored this magnificent shot and the whole crowd went
Cara Taylor Swift:wild. So it was a superstar for a while. Oh, yeah, so that was
Cara Taylor Swift:kind of a big deal. You guys know Easton, so you know that
Cara Taylor Swift:that was kind of a big deal. I guess the other kind of end of
Cara Taylor Swift:that is I actually got to go horseback riding on my horse
Cara Taylor Swift:this week, Chief and my son was in the pond in a little boat and
Cara Taylor Swift:the puppy was swimming. And then my horse chief was splashing at
Cara Taylor Swift:the edge of the pond. And it was a really fun just been a while
Cara Taylor Swift:since I've been able to go out and just be chill at the farm
Cara Taylor Swift:and not have to clean stalls and all of that. So I have had a
Cara Taylor Swift:good week it's been but it hasn't been super glamorous.
Cara Taylor Swift:It's been a ton of office work to be honest. What about you
Kimberly Beer:Well, I'm going to tell you, Cara. I saw that
Kimberly Beer:guys?
Kimberly Beer:picture on Facebook that you shot on your silhouette Hill.
Kimberly Beer:And it was magnificently beautiful. I mean, it really
Kimberly Beer:caught my eye as I was scrolling down and I thought wow, that was
Kimberly Beer:amazing. I loved it. Loved it.
Cara Taylor Swift:Oh, thank you.
Phyllis Burchett:It looks like it came right out of a fairy
Phyllis Burchett:tale or something. It was absolutely gorgeous.
Cara Taylor Swift:Yeah, Gianna is one of Phyllis in mines
Cara Taylor Swift:models that makes an appearance at the horses on the beach
Cara Taylor Swift:workshop some years and this was her senior shoot. So it's pretty
Cara Taylor Swift:special to get to do that with her. And that silhouette Hill
Cara Taylor Swift:Phyllis can attest is probably the ugliest silhouette hill in
Cara Taylor Swift:the history of silhouette hills. It's a dirt mound, but it just
Cara Taylor Swift:goes to show that you take so topographers like we can see
Cara Taylor Swift:things that other people they look at that hill and when I go
Cara Taylor Swift:out to the farm, they're always like, what what do you mean by
Cara Taylor Swift:silhouette Hill? And I'm like, No, you guys, you guys made this
Cara Taylor Swift:beautiful dirt mound for me. And it's my new silhouette Hill and
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm super excited so I keep telling them whatever you do,
Cara Taylor Swift:like don't tear down my Silhouette hill because I'm
Cara Taylor Swift:going to put it to use over the years
Phyllis Burchett:it's really cool to have that one tree there
Phyllis Burchett:to kind of makes it even more magical and then your birds you
Phyllis Burchett:know, that was beautiful.
Kimberly Beer:There it is it the photo was just absolutely
Kimberly Beer:stunning it to me it reminded me of like a Southern Gothic
Kimberly Beer:sunset. I mean, it was like Gone With the Wind is what it brought
Kimberly Beer:to mind. So it just was amazing.
Cara Taylor Swift:Well I'm starting off my day feeling like
Cara Taylor Swift:a superstar so thanks appreciate it. Phyllis, what have you been
Cara Taylor Swift:doing?
Phyllis Burchett:Oh gosh. Oh, well, I have to admit that my
Phyllis Burchett:week has not been entertaining for anyone. I don't think I
Phyllis Burchett:don't know that anyone will enjoy hearing what I've been
Phyllis Burchett:doing other than I will tell you I've had a while not finished
Phyllis Burchett:up. I had a long mentorship session with a client that's
Phyllis Burchett:been coming up to see me here at my house and we had a great day
Phyllis Burchett:she learned a lot. We did some post processing and talked about
Phyllis Burchett:business and pricing and thinks she left the session very
Phyllis Burchett:helpful. So I also did a local photography club presentation,
Phyllis Burchett:I'm going to be working on another one for the basics of
Phyllis Burchett:photography. Coming up. I worked on my weekly newsletter and
Phyllis Burchett:upcoming blog. I'm ordering new business cards. I had a couple
Phyllis Burchett:of zoom calls with other clients. Wow. Had to,
Phyllis Burchett:unfortunately had to rehang some artwork at my gallery that fell
Phyllis Burchett:off the wall.
Cara Taylor Swift:I didn't realize they had fallen off.
Phyllis Burchett:No, I did. I well, I did sell some work. But
Phyllis Burchett:I actually had one metal print that somehow fell off the wall
Phyllis Burchett:and curled two corners, which basically ruined it but I did
Phyllis Burchett:sell it to somebody that thinks they can fix it at a reduced
Phyllis Burchett:price. And then of course the thing we all have to do the
Phyllis Burchett:other side that we don't like a photography more office work
Phyllis Burchett:yuck. I did get to attend a flower show this weekend at the
Phyllis Burchett:Atlantis botanical garden with my sister and another friend to
Phyllis Burchett:support a couple of clients that had artwork entered in the
Phyllis Burchett:photography contest. So that was fun. Even though it rained we
Phyllis Burchett:had a beautiful weekend and I got to ride my bike all day on
Phyllis Burchett:Saturday, but no didn't get to ride any horses this weekend. So
Phyllis Burchett:that's about it. I didn't even pick up my camera for the past
Phyllis Burchett:week.
Cara Taylor Swift:Isn't that crazy how we can be
Cara Taylor Swift:photographers and sometimes go a week or two without even picking
Cara Taylor Swift:up a camera. It is that really does talk to you a little bit
Cara Taylor Swift:about what the business side of photography is, doesn't it?
Kimberly Beer:Yeah, well where I live right now. It's not
Kimberly Beer:photographically beautiful here in Missouri. It's not spring yet
Kimberly Beer:and we're in the ugly part of the end of winter where there's
Kimberly Beer:no snow covering anything and its just brown. Yeah, it's just
Kimberly Beer:not super inspiring the horses we're all tired of winter around
Kimberly Beer:here, the horses the goats me the dog. Just like all it's
Kimberly Beer:done, we're ready to move on to a spring where there's lots of
Kimberly Beer:good green grass, but we have wheat growing in one of our
Kimberly Beer:fields. So I will have lots of wheat pictures because I think
Kimberly Beer:wheat is some of the most beautiful crops in the world.
Kimberly Beer:It's just it's gorgeous when it starts growing. It is the most
Kimberly Beer:impossibly beautiful color of green when it finally gets all
Kimberly Beer:up and sprouted. And I get super excited when my farmer Scott
Kimberly Beer:plants wheat on our field, it's 127 contiguous acres of wheat.
Kimberly Beer:So it's just this giant rolling ocean of wheat. As far as my
Kimberly Beer:work is concerned, of course, I I spend a lot of time doing zoom
Kimberly Beer:meetings and office work as a business consultant. But when it
Kimberly Beer:comes to the photography side of my business this past week, I've
Kimberly Beer:had a lot of photo orders to fulfill from really old photo
Kimberly Beer:shoots. So I had somebody request a photo from 2017, I had
Kimberly Beer:some from 2018 and I live by the photo numbers on the photos that
Kimberly Beer:they have as proofs and some of these came from the Powderhorn,
Kimberly Beer:they're using them in their catalog, their sale catalog, and
Kimberly Beer:she calls and she asked for photo number 1375 And I sent
Kimberly Beer:1375 But it was the wrong 1375. So we had a little bit of a
Kimberly Beer:snafu finding because apparently 1375 on my camera rolls around a
Kimberly Beer:lot at Powderhorn. Yes. So we ended up having to do some
Kimberly Beer:digging around to find the right image. So thank God for
Kimberly Beer:Lightroom and my ability to do some very intensive searches on
Kimberly Beer:dates and numbers and I was able to get them the right image
Kimberly Beer:really pretty quickly and get everything off to them. I also
Kimberly Beer:have been participating in a lot of which you guys didn't mention
Kimberly Beer:at all with because I've done it with both of you is cottonwood
Kimberly Beer:interviews, we've been talking to photographers that are coming
Kimberly Beer:to our cottonwood retreat and photographic experience learning
Kimberly Beer:experience in August and we're doing interview calls with them
Kimberly Beer:ahead of that just to make sure that they're set up their
Kimberly Beer:mentoring and and get an idea of what their goals are so that we
Kimberly Beer:can make that event the event that we want it to be very much
Kimberly Beer:catering to what reaching those goals that the photographers
Kimberly Beer:that are coming are having. So those have been wonderful. I
Kimberly Beer:always learn new things about what people have around their
Kimberly Beer:goals around photography when we do those. So those have been
Kimberly Beer:exciting. I've enjoyed meeting some new people and it's been
Kimberly Beer:really, really fun to do those with the two of you and I've
Kimberly Beer:been doing a ton of website updates, getting things behind
Kimberly Beer:the scenes moving in the right direction for all of the things
Kimberly Beer:that are going on. I of course the website designer in the
Kimberly Beer:studio trio. So I'm the one who does a lot of the website work.
Kimberly Beer:And I do a lot of website work outside of this as well. So
Kimberly Beer:that's kind of what I've been up to. I taught a live class on
Kimberly Beer:Monday, which I haven't done in a really long time I've been
Kimberly Beer:mostly zoom. It's just been really hit and miss but it was
Kimberly Beer:fun to sit with a group of entrepreneurs and talk about
Kimberly Beer:business and and we discussed the ins and outs of getting your
Kimberly Beer:business digital marketing put together.
Phyllis Burchett:On another note, I think that we should
Phyllis Burchett:mention that we do still have a couple spots left for
Phyllis Burchett:cottonwood.
Cara Taylor Swift:WE do actually I think we have three
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm looking at it right now we have three spaces left for the
Cara Taylor Swift:cottonwood ranch experience. So there's lots of ways people can
Cara Taylor Swift:learn about that they can just go to the website
Cara Taylor click on Events and you'll see all of our
Cara Taylor Swift:events right there and learn about the cottonwood experience.
Kimberly Beer:Yep, just three spaces. So it's a it's gone
Kimberly Beer:really quickly. The spaces are filled fast for that event.
Kimberly Beer:Alright, so let's move the conversation over to Art of the
Kimberly Beer:Cowgirl. This is an event that we all three got to go to
Kimberly Beer:Phyllis and I were leading at the photography workshop at the
Kimberly Beer:event. So Phyllis, what is your take on what is Art of the
Kimberly Beer:Cowgirl? How would you explain it?
Phyllis Burchett:Well, first off, it's an amazing event Art
Phyllis Burchett:of the Cowgirl is a gathering to celebrate the cowgirl way of
Phyllis Burchett:life and cowgirls themselves and how they contribute to the
Phyllis Burchett:Western way of lifestyle and culture. It's a way to help
Phyllis Burchett:raise funds to support up and coming artists to expand their
Phyllis Burchett:knowledge and skills through fellowships that the art of the
Phyllis Burchett:cowgirl offers. These Fellowships are offered for
Phyllis Burchett:participants to join a master artist in their field to learn
Phyllis Burchett:more to spend some time I think it's around two weeks a year
Phyllis Burchett:they get to go spend time with that master artist at their
Phyllis Burchett:location and just be fully immersed in their craft for a
Phyllis Burchett:couple of weeks. Yes, I didn't realize so it's really cool. And
Phyllis Burchett:this this whole event is a way to to help raise funds for those
Phyllis Burchett:fellowships and the whole event. Gosh, the event includes so much
Phyllis Burchett:there's a trade show which we all love to shop music is going
Phyllis Burchett:on every day and before a lot of the big events they have some
Phyllis Burchett:headliners is all women's ranch rodeo event the elite ranch
Phyllis Burchett:horse sale the world's greatest horse woman. There's an art
Phyllis Burchett:auction, a big art auction. There's clinician demonstrations
Phyllis Burchett:called starting stock dog demonstrations, and I think they
Phyllis Burchett:do dog trials as well. Trick riding artists demonstrations,
Phyllis Burchett:there's clinics going on that you can join in. There's our
Phyllis Burchett:photography clinic.
Cara Taylor Swift:It's basically a photographers dream
Cara Taylor Swift:for sure. Even if you're not there to ride or it's the sights
Cara Taylor Swift:and the sounds and the smells and the I mean just everything
Cara Taylor Swift:it's like all so immersive.
Phyllis Burchett:It's all about cowgirls, but there's a lot of
Phyllis Burchett:cowboys at the event too, that they're there to support their
Phyllis Burchett:girlfriends, wives, mothers,
Kimberly Beer:good supportive cowboys. It's fun to watch that.
Kimberly Beer:Yeah, it's all a celebration of the cowgirl way of life.
Phyllis Burchett:It was in January this year and while it's
Phyllis Burchett:in January every year but this year it was in Queen Creek,
Phyllis Burchett:Arizona. I think that was the first time they hadn't Queen
Phyllis Burchett:Creek right?
Kimberly Beer:They had I think the competitions last year
Kimberly Beer:competitions last year were at that venue but COVID has like
Kimberly Beer:really messed with their schedule and then they moved to
Kimberly Beer:the event to Montana last summer which we all got to go to as
Kimberly Beer:well. And then the year before it was at Corona Ranch. Corona
Kimberly Beer:Ranch is beautiful. Montana is beautiful Queen Creek is
Kimberly Beer:awesome. I got to visit with some old friends. I didn't
Kimberly Beer:realize one of my old buddies that I photographed for was
Kimberly Beer:there. David Solemn is one of the people at Queen Creek that's
Kimberly Beer:in the management and operations and it was fun to see him and
Kimberly Beer:that was a nice surprise to catch up with him for his I
Kimberly Beer:haven't seen him since he left Missouri. I think it would be
Kimberly Beer:interesting to learn I want to share how we ended up at this
Kimberly Beer:event, right? So years and years and years ago, I did some
Kimberly Beer:photography work for Purina and it was actually not like huge
Kimberly Beer:like photographing product or anything. It was traveling
Kimberly Beer:around to the colt starting clinics that were put on as part
Kimberly Beer:of the how workshops or horse owner workshops that were done
Kimberly Beer:in this particular area and the person that they hired to do the
Kimberly Beer:colt starting clinics was Kurt Pate, and Kurt traveled a lot
Kimberly Beer:with his family. His wife is Tammy Pate and art of the
Kimberly Beer:cowgirl is Tammy Pates brainchild, it's her gift to all
Kimberly Beer:of us with being able to share the cow girl way of life and the
Kimberly Beer:Art of the Cowgirl is exactly a very good term for that as to
Kimberly Beer:what she shares but I met them that was back in the late 90s,
Kimberly Beer:early 2000s and got to know them by traveling and doing the
Kimberly Beer:photography and taking photos of Kurt back in the film days and
Kimberly Beer:giving those to Purina for them to use for just basically
Kimberly Beer:marketing those horse owner workshops. So to give you guys
Kimberly Beer:that are listening that are looking for a break in
Kimberly Beer:photography that was a big one for me and my photography career
Kimberly Beer:was being able to Do those horse owner workshops with Purina in
Kimberly Beer:another world in another lifetime. You all know that I am
Kimberly Beer:equine Gestalt is to certified through touched by a horse. I
Kimberly Beer:also worked with their photography and with their
Kimberly Beer:marketing for many years before I became certified and in that
Kimberly Beer:process I met a beautiful young woman named Jamie Stoltzfus and
Kimberly Beer:Jamie and Tammy are very much involved. Jamie is like, feels
Kimberly Beer:like she's Tamizh right hand girl most days. I don't know
Kimberly Beer:what her exact position is. But Jamie is powerhouse when it
Kimberly Beer:comes to Art of the Cowgirl. And I know she does a lot of things
Kimberly Beer:and she coordinated with Phyllis and I to come do a workshop with
Kimberly Beer:some photographers in association with Art of the
Kimberly Beer:Cowgirl out in Montana in big timber one summer and it was a
Kimberly Beer:hit. And Phyllis and I had a blast. You have to admit
Kimberly Beer:Phyllis, that was one of the funnest groups of girls we have
Kimberly Beer:ever worked with, don't you think?
Phyllis Burchett:Oh yeah, they were great. And then the
Phyllis Burchett:locations we had, besides the clinic and watching Lee do her
Phyllis Burchett:horsemanship clinic that was so
Kimberly Beer:great. It was amazing. It was amazing. So at
Kimberly Beer:any rate, they had us come back and do a workshop at the event.
Kimberly Beer:And that turned out well. So we couldn't be more pleased with
Kimberly Beer:our relationship with art of the cowgirl we love the event. We
Kimberly Beer:love the passion behind the artists we love being able to
Kimberly Beer:help photographers get a handle on working an event like that
Kimberly Beer:and what it feels like to be behind the lens at a bigger
Kimberly Beer:event and to have more access than you would have as just a
Kimberly Beer:participant and also to be able to get classroom time with
Kimberly Beer:Phyllis and I and to be able to just really hone your craft in a
Kimberly Beer:very collaborative work environment. I think it's an
Kimberly Beer:amazing opportunity for people who are really interested in
Kimberly Beer:building a photography career or honing their skills in a
Kimberly Beer:situation where you have just absolutely amazing opportunities
Kimberly Beer:to photograph so many different things all within a few feet of
Kimberly Beer:each other.
Phyllis Burchett:I agree Kim I think it's an it's so great
Phyllis Burchett:because the participants get to have an all access press pass to
Phyllis Burchett:be a part of the official photographers for the event and
Phyllis Burchett:which is really a great way to get their names out there and
Phyllis Burchett:get their work seen is such a great event. And oh my gosh, the
Phyllis Burchett:girls we had this year where every year I think it can't get
Phyllis Burchett:better in it does. I know
Cara Taylor Swift:And the jobs they're picking up because of
Cara Taylor Swift:the events like I've been amazed with watching them and the jobs
Cara Taylor Swift:that they're getting and posting about on social just about the
Cara Taylor Swift:fact that they actually had exposure to the types of
Cara Taylor Swift:photography that they want to do that they can't get access to
Cara Taylor Swift:regularly because they were part of the workshop. So they've been
Cara Taylor Swift:able to show in their portfolios, the type of work
Cara Taylor Swift:that they want to create and that they can create and they're
Cara Taylor Swift:picking up jobs in their hometowns, because now they can
Cara Taylor Swift:they're showing that they can do the job. So that has been for me
Cara Taylor Swift:one of the coolest things to see is how you can go to an event
Cara Taylor Swift:and spend and invest a little bit and then what you can do
Cara Taylor Swift:with those images and how they can just propel you
Phyllis Burchett:and the confidence they got out of it
Phyllis Burchett:too.
Kimberly Beer:Those two things right. There are the things that
Kimberly Beer:excite me so much about what we're doing with Cowgirls with
Kimberly Beer:Cameras is because my camera has opened so many doors for me in
Kimberly Beer:life. Those horse owner workshops are only one door that
Kimberly Beer:they opened that led to so many better things 20 Something plus
Kimberly Beer:years later but my camera has always been a key to getting me
Kimberly Beer:where I want to go and to have the opportunity now to present
Kimberly Beer:the door and pass those keys along to somebody else. It's an
Kimberly Beer:honor and it's it's amazing and I cannot believe I have to pinch
Kimberly Beer:myself sometimes to realize that I get to do this I get to help
Kimberly Beer:other photographers to be successful and to watch them get
Kimberly Beer:giddy. I I know for me one of my favorite moments in association
Kimberly Beer:with art of the cowgirl events happened at that big timber
Kimberly Beer:workshop and we were showing the photographers how to do
Kimberly Beer:silhouettes and we were speaking of the silhouette Hill this was
Kimberly Beer:a beautiful silhouette Hill out on the Hagerman Ranch. Hagerman
Kimberly Beer:Hagerman, sorry, Alison, there were running their horses for
Kimberly Beer:the photographer's and it was a really pretty sky and it was
Kimberly Beer:just a gorgeous sunset opportunity. And the girls were
Kimberly Beer:laying down on their bellies in the grass, shooting the pictures
Kimberly Beer:up and they were looking at their camera backs and just so
Kimberly Beer:excited and so yes, I got it. I got it. It was such a fun
Kimberly Beer:experience to watch that. Do you remember that Phyllis?
Phyllis Burchett:Oh gosh, yes, I remember to when we got to sit
Phyllis Burchett:down and we had said rope, you know Ropin at us with our wide
Phyllis Burchett:angle lenses. And that's a couple of the girls. I let them
Phyllis Burchett:borrow my wide angle because they didn't have some and they
Phyllis Burchett:were like I just remember how excited they were and how cool
Phyllis Burchett:it was to you know, I don't know it's just a really neat
Phyllis Burchett:experience just watching them be excited and a couple
Kimberly Beer:of those girls from that particular workshop
Kimberly Beer:have gone on to be very successful with their
Kimberly Beer:photography now we're doing a lot of things more full time I'm
Kimberly Beer:just I'm pleased as punch
Cara Taylor Swift:I have to say my experience at Art of the
Cara Taylor Swift:Cowgirl wasn't nearly as glamorous as you all's I was one
Cara Taylor Swift:of the booth babes for the week. So I didn't get glamorous, it
Cara Taylor Swift:was just a booth babe. The name itself isn't glamorous. But I
Cara Taylor Swift:got to hang with Marci, when Marci Marci Jo photography, we
Cara Taylor Swift:work the booth all week. And what our job was basically was
Cara Taylor Swift:to sell the art for the barn pieces curated from each one of
Cara Taylor Swift:us were hanging in and for sale at the event. And then really,
Cara Taylor Swift:the big thing was talking to folks just really talking to
Cara Taylor Swift:folks about what we do about cowgirls with cameras or
Cara Taylor Swift:upcoming events. And I got to put some of my, you know, my
Cara Taylor Swift:sales tools to work and help grow our list of people that
Cara Taylor Swift:might be interested in future events. And honestly, I kind of
Cara Taylor Swift:love doing that, like I'm not an extroverted person. But when I'm
Cara Taylor Swift:in my element, I really do enjoy talking about the art that we
Cara Taylor Swift:create and talking about and get, because I'm so excited
Cara Taylor Swift:about the stuff that we're doing. So it was a lot of fun to
Cara Taylor Swift:get to talk to people and share it with other folks. So I was
Cara Taylor Swift:just a booth babe, but I grabbed my camera a few times, but for
Cara Taylor Swift:the most part, I was the booth babe, and I enjoyed it.
Phyllis Burchett:You and Marci did a fabulous job of selling
Phyllis Burchett:and promoting and your enthusiasm was contagious to
Phyllis Burchett:all.
Kimberly Beer:Absolutely. You guys made the event so special
Kimberly Beer:for so many people, because I know you told all of these
Kimberly Beer:stories about the artwork on the wall. And that was people really
Kimberly Beer:they enjoy hearing those stories because it's fun, and it's fun
Kimberly Beer:for us to share our adventures too. And Marci brought a breath
Kimberly Beer:of fresh air to the whole event.
Cara Taylor Swift:So do they have dates for next year's
Cara Taylor Swift:events?
Kimberly Beer:I don't think so. I was looking at the calendar
Kimberly Beer:here.
Phyllis Burchett:They don't have dates announced yet for
Phyllis Burchett:next year's Art of the Cowgirl event in Arizona. However, Kim
Phyllis Burchett:and I are hosting a workshop in big timber with their next big
Phyllis Burchett:clinic that Art of the Cowgirl is doing they're in August like
Phyllis Burchett:late August. So we will have those I think registration will
Phyllis Burchett:be open for that one April 1
Kimberly Beer:Yes. And that's a fascinatingly wonderful event.
Kimberly Beer:Remember those the me is just telling you about the fact we
Kimberly Beer:were having so much fun taking pictures of the silhouette hill
Kimberly Beer:that's the same area where we will be shooting again we stay
Kimberly Beer:at a wonderful place called the Burntout Lodge. I think that's
Kimberly Beer:been reserved for this year coming up so don't kill me if
Kimberly Beer:that's not where you end up. Stay in if you come but burnt
Kimberly Beer:out Lodge is run by Ruth and Ruth herself is worth the trip.
Kimberly Beer:So I do have to tell you she's quite the character and and the
Kimberly Beer:food is gloriously fantastic. She's an amazing cook. This
Kimberly Beer:particular workshop is going to be in conjunction with their
Kimberly Beer:writing clinic and workshop in big timber. It is August the
Kimberly Beer:19th to the 21st and there's a horsemanship clinic with
Kimberly Beer:horsewoman Lee Smith who is another person that it when you
Kimberly Beer:have the opportunity to meet you should certainly meet Lee Smith
Kimberly Beer:because she is an amazing person. They're going to have a
Kimberly Beer:packing and wilderness workshop with Jody Oliver Kate O'Brien,
Kimberly Beer:Katy Horton and Rachel Lineberger. Then there's a cinch
Kimberly Beer:building class and running in association with this and chink
Kimberly Beer:building horsehair hitching. And then also down at the bottom of
Kimberly Beer:the list in the newsletter are Phyllis and I, with our
Kimberly Beer:photography, retreat and workshop, and trust me, this one
Kimberly Beer:is going to be a blast. They will start taking registrations
Kimberly Beer:on April 1, those registrations are through Art of the Cowgirl
Kimberly Beer:so you can go to and these
Kimberly Beer:workshops tend to fill up pretty quickly so I would grab your
Kimberly Beer:spot as soon as you can. And please know that when you
Kimberly Beer:support this workshop, you're supporting art of the cowgirl as
Kimberly Beer:an entire event because part of the proceeds for this go to the
Kimberly Beer:fellowship program.
Phyllis Burchett:And also just another note, we will be
Phyllis Burchett:shooting at local ranches not exclusively at the event itself.
Phyllis Burchett:So we will document some of the happenings at the horsemanship
Phyllis Burchett:clinic and the other clinics that are going on but we will be
Phyllis Burchett:shooting at local ranches. I think probably 75% of the time
Phyllis Burchett:right cam
Kimberly Beer:at least Yeah, we're gonna do some at least
Kimberly Beer:MissLee's clinic but we definitely and we have some
Kimberly Beer:amazing locations that have offered up there places for us
Kimberly Beer:to shoot. So we haven't lined out all of the details yet. So I
Kimberly Beer:don't want to quite get into that. But I do want to tell you
Kimberly Beer:that it's going to be a really special event and it has a very
Kimberly Beer:limited number of people that can attend. So if you're
Kimberly Beer:interested do grab your spot early because it probably will
Kimberly Beer:be gone if you don't. And big timber is amazing. Lee is
Kimberly Beer:amazing. The whole thing will be fantastic. We'll have a great
Kimberly Beer:time.
Phyllis Burchett:I mean, what could be better than beautiful
Phyllis Burchett:Montana?
Kimberly Beer:Montana and horses. There's there Not much
Kimberly Beer:gets better than that. Cara. Do you have anything else you want
Kimberly Beer:to add about your experience at art of the cowgirl? Are we ready
Kimberly Beer:to talk about cameras?
Cara Taylor Swift:I mean, other than I spent too much money. I
Cara Taylor Swift:think we're ready to talk about camera.
Kimberly Beer:Do you ever go to an expo and not spend too much
Kimberly Beer:money?
Cara Taylor Swift:amazing art there to buy?
Kimberly Beer:Do you ever go to an expo and not spend too much
Kimberly Beer:and I only go to like one Expo a
Cara Taylor Swift:year so so I mean, I got all my Christmas
Cara Taylor Swift:shopping done, I guess. Yo,
Kimberly Beer:that's a good thing. That's a good thing. Your
Kimberly Beer:way early on the Christmas shopping Christmas was barely
Kimberly Beer:over.
Cara Taylor Swift:That's how I justified
Kimberly Beer:There you go. There you go. There you go.
Kimberly Beer:Okay,
Phyllis Burchett:you You did better than me. I think I only
Phyllis Burchett:bought stuff for myself.
Kimberly Beer:Well, she didn't say who the Christmas gifts were
Kimberly Beer:for. It could have been for her. Oh, that's true. That's I find
Kimberly Beer:myself very true all the time.
Cara Taylor Swift:And another stocking stuffer and another
Cara Taylor Swift:stocing stuffer.
Kimberly Beer:I love it. I love it. So let's talk about gear a
Kimberly Beer:little bit. I know everyone gets fascinated photographers spent a
Kimberly Beer:lot of time chit chatting about gear and what is your camera? Do
Kimberly Beer:what is your camera do? And Phyllis you recently got one of
Kimberly Beer:the unicorns of the Nikon line. And I think there's a lot of
Kimberly Beer:people that are probably pretty jelly that they're we're still
Kimberly Beer:probably waiting on their Z nine and you're out there shooting
Kimberly Beer:with yours. What's your experience been like so far?
Phyllis Burchett:Oh, well. My initial experience when I
Phyllis Burchett:stupidly took it to Art of the Cowgirl straight out of the box
Phyllis Burchett:without shooting it before I went was not great. But then
Phyllis Burchett:thankfully, one of our participants helped me with it
Phyllis Burchett:because she knew more about the mirrorless system than I did.
Phyllis Burchett:Thank you shout out to Patti Monson. Thank you, Patti. After
Phyllis Burchett:we get that little issue taken care of I absolutely love it.
Phyllis Burchett:Just to backtrack a little bit. I'm a Nikon shooter obviously
Phyllis Burchett:and I had the Nikon D four which I'd had for like 10 years and it
Phyllis Burchett:was dependable. It was like my workhorse of a camera it was my
Phyllis Burchett:go to but it started having some issues. So I realized it was
Phyllis Burchett:time to upgrade and I was torn between upgrading to the D six
Phyllis Burchett:or going mirrorless and I kind of feel like that that's the way
Phyllis Burchett:the market is going to mirrorless I mean I'm not saying
Phyllis Burchett:that SLR DSLR is dead, I just think it's going to be a long
Phyllis Burchett:progression and it is it is going towards mirrorless and so
Phyllis Burchett:I went ahead and jumped up there because I'm an NPS member the
Phyllis Burchett:pro professional services I was able to get mine the end of
Phyllis Burchett:December which I know that's crazy because the event was two
Phyllis Burchett:weeks later and why didn't shoot with it before that I don't know
Phyllis Burchett:but anyway it is the Nikon Z nine is one of the most powerful
Phyllis Burchett:cameras on the market. I do believe this not just because I
Phyllis Burchett:shoot Nikon but because it really is is capable of up to 30
Phyllis Burchett:frames per second if you're shooting in JPEG or 20 frames
Phyllis Burchett:per second if you're shooting with raw you can do 8k video is
Phyllis Burchett:one of the few cameras on the market that completely forgo
Phyllis Burchett:mechanical shutter of the design decision made it possible for
Phyllis Burchett:Nikon to to go with a really fast readout speed of a new with
Phyllis Burchett:a new sensor it is the first Nikon mirrorless to offer the
Phyllis Burchett:company's autofocus tracking system that combined with it
Phyllis Burchett:does have a subject recognition system which is amazing. It has
Phyllis Burchett:three sets of subjects that recognizes people animals and
Phyllis Burchett:vehicles which is pretty cool. It has a 45.7 megapixel sensor
Phyllis Burchett:so you get really large files out of this which I had the D
Phyllis Burchett:850. So I'm somewhat used to this course sometimes you don't
Phyllis Burchett:need that you can change that in some of your settings in the
Phyllis Burchett:menu the like I said the the tracking system is amazing. I
Phyllis Burchett:mean it's it's almost impossible to not get sharp, it's operator
Phyllis Burchett:error when you mess up and don't get some sharp now it's bulkier
Phyllis Burchett:and heavier than some of the other cameras like the AR five
Phyllis Burchett:or some of the other mirrorless but which I don't mind because
Phyllis Burchett:it still feels like I have my D four in my camera it feels like
Phyllis Burchett:a pro camera that's easier to hold to me despite the size of
Phyllis Burchett:the camera. It does have a dual axis tilt screen which is really
Phyllis Burchett:cool. It has excellent battery life I stepped up and also
Phyllis Burchett:bought the the Nikon Z 62 as well so I'd have two mirrorless
Phyllis Burchett:cameras since I'm kind of angling myself in that direction
Phyllis Burchett:it's for me it's been a game changer as far as the tracking
Phyllis Burchett:as just amazing tracking like being able to like I even did
Phyllis Burchett:get to shoot some pictures of my dog since I've been home running
Phyllis Burchett:towards me which always had problems getting that really
Phyllis Burchett:fast subject running at me sharp and and they've been boy that
Phyllis Burchett:thing is dead on every time so it's pretty cool. I highly
Phyllis Burchett:recommend going to the Z9 if you can afford it it is it is a bit
Phyllis Burchett:of a step up and camera as far as the price goes but the D4 was
Phyllis Burchett:a pricey camera for me as well as well as the D6 would have
Phyllis Burchett:been so
Cara Taylor Swift:that's pretty fancy. Sounds pretty fancy to
Cara Taylor Swift:me.
Kimberly Beer:It is pretty fast.
Phyllis Burchett:I like it. It was pretty I get a lot.
Kimberly Beer:So I got to shoot the R5 at our fall Powderhorn
Kimberly Beer:retreat and Phyllis is not into the brand war thing I am
Kimberly Beer:personally into it. I'm very Canon loyal. I love my Canon
Kimberly Beer:cameras. I always get it at workshops. I always like count
Kimberly Beer:up the Canon and Mac people because those are my people, you
Kimberly Beer:know? Like, yes, we have more Canons than Nikon's. So I'm a
Kimberly Beer:little twist and in that way, I don't think Cara could care
Kimberly Beer:less. But anyway, so I did shoot the R5,
Phyllis Burchett:she's a lot twisted.
Kimberly Beer:I am I am a bad okay, so I shot the R5, and I
Kimberly Beer:haven't bought it yet I rented it because the price tag is like
Kimberly Beer:on it, it's pretty high. It's not as high as the Z9. But it's
Kimberly Beer:high. I had just upgraded to the 5D mark iv last year before the
Kimberly Beer:R five came out the year before the R five came out. So I was I
Kimberly Beer:kind of blew my camera budget on that. And so the R5 was I wanted
Kimberly Beer:to run it to see if it was something that I really wanted.
Kimberly Beer:And I have to tell you, it's something I really really want.
Kimberly Beer:And as soon as I can swing it, it will be in my camera bag. I
Kimberly Beer:love to shooting with this camera. It was a little bit of a
Kimberly Beer:learning curve. But Phyllis is right the R5 has a lot of
Kimberly Beer:similar features. It's similar in size with the sensor, it does
Kimberly Beer:have the tracking autofocus, it has so many wonderful little
Kimberly Beer:bells and whistles that help you keep your images sharp, it helps
Kimberly Beer:you a lot with exposure. One thing that I was very, very
Kimberly Beer:worried about that I didn't think I would like but I
Kimberly Beer:actually fell in love with was the electronic viewfinder. So
Kimberly Beer:when you look at something it renders in the viewfinder
Kimberly Beer:exactly what that image or close to it. It's not exact, by the
Kimberly Beer:way, but it's a much different feel to shoot. Because it's what
Kimberly Beer:you're seeing is not the same thing you see through your DSLR
Kimberly Beer:it's the camera projecting the image. So when you shift your
Kimberly Beer:exposure, it shifts in the viewfinder so you can see
Kimberly Beer:whether it's too light or too dark. It's it's really awesome
Kimberly Beer:to enjoy it. I think for me, that's an incredible feature. It
Kimberly Beer:is an incredible feature. But the thing about it that I didn't
Kimberly Beer:know if I would like it one, but the thing it did for me is it
Kimberly Beer:expanded my creativity. So I'd shoot the picture the way I kind
Kimberly Beer:of envisioned it. And then I would play a little bit with the
Kimberly Beer:exposure to see how how I could change the drama of the image,
Kimberly Beer:so to speak. So I found it really fun to play with
Kimberly Beer:artistically and I ended up taking some photos around that
Kimberly Beer:way. I also did a lot of shooting with the video feature
Kimberly Beer:with the R5 and I'm going to tell you there were just little
Kimberly Beer:short clips, but I was very very pleased with the performance of
Kimberly Beer:how the R5 works with video versus how my DSLR my 5D Mark iv
Kimberly Beer:works with video I felt like the R5 felt a little bit more video
Kimberly Beer:friendly, I've had a I've struggled a lot because I've
Kimberly Beer:done a lot of videoraphy in the past with dedicated video
Kimberly Beer:cameras and going from one of those cameras that has so many
Kimberly Beer:videos specific perks to DSLR was a struggle for me but the
Kimberly Beer:mirrorless feels like it gave me back a lot of the things that I
Kimberly Beer:really enjoyed about my dedicated video camera. So I
Kimberly Beer:thoroughly enjoyed working with the video Canon has done a good
Kimberly Beer:job in making it easy to switch between shooting stills and
Kimberly Beer:shooting video. And I feel like when I have the R5 in my bag
Kimberly Beer:again, it's it's going to be one of those things where I am
Kimberly Beer:shooting a lot more video with it as an addition to the still
Kimberly Beer:photos. So I really enjoyed using it and I think it's an
Kimberly Beer:amazingly good camera. I know that Canon will be coming out
Kimberly Beer:with new ones and so will Nikon. So we'll probably be revisiting
Kimberly Beer:this conversation in the future with a little bit more detail.
Kimberly Beer:But if you're considering one of these mirrorless cameras, my
Kimberly Beer:suggestion to you is to rent it and to take it maybe not do what
Kimberly Beer:Phyllis and I did which is get it and go straight to a
Kimberly Beer:photoshoot. I did the same thing Phyllis did filming I got it. I
Kimberly Beer:got the mirrorless camera I arrived on my doorstep and I
Kimberly Beer:went directly to a paid photoshoot with a really
Kimberly Beer:complicated lighting situation. So I was learning it out the box
Kimberly Beer:it was in that situation it was a woman in front of a fire. So
Kimberly Beer:and we she wanted silhouetted photos with this fire look and
Kimberly Beer:it was
Phyllis Burchett:it was fun. I think we both did what we tell
Phyllis Burchett:our students not to do. Exactly. Don't come to a shoot with a
Phyllis Burchett:brand new camera that you've never shot with. And we both did
Phyllis Burchett:that. So those
Cara Taylor Swift:you guys are braver than me I would be at
Cara Taylor Swift:home like keeping it in the box and using the old gear because
Cara Taylor Swift:I'm a big tried and tested when it comes to paid photo shoot.
Cara Taylor Swift:You guys are way braver than me.
Kimberly Beer:So I have to laugh at this. So what I did was
Kimberly Beer:when I learned that are five this is how I learned it you
Kimberly Beer:guys will enjoy this story. So our washing machine was broke.
Kimberly Beer:And yes, I said washing I'm from Missouri that's got an R in it
Kimberly Beer:when you live here. So our washing machine was broken, I
Kimberly Beer:was leaving to go on a trip to go out to Powderhorn and I
Kimberly Beer:needed to do laundry. So I pick up the R5, I get the lens, I go
Kimberly Beer:to the laundromat, put my clothes in the washing machine.
Kimberly Beer:And then I went out to my truck and sat in the truck and read
Kimberly Beer:the little owner's manual thing and Googled stuff on my phone
Kimberly Beer:and shot about a million pictures of the ugliest
Kimberly Beer:laundromat parking lot figuring out how to use all the features
Kimberly Beer:that I needed, because as soon as my clothes were dry, I threw
Kimberly Beer:them in the car and went to the photoshoot. So this is the
Kimberly Beer:glamorous life of a real photographer than on the road.
Kimberly Beer:You're you're doing your laundry at the laundromat learning how
Kimberly Beer:to use a camera that cost almost as much as your truck and then
Kimberly Beer:at knocked, do a photo shoot
Cara Taylor Swift:well I don't do anything without detailed
Cara Taylor Swift:planning and notes and thought process behind it in terms of
Cara Taylor Swift:shooting so I just get it it just gives me anxiety even
Cara Taylor Swift:thinking about it personally. So yeah,
Kimberly Beer:that's the opposite. You got a new camera
Kimberly Beer:recently to you just didn't jump the ship to the mirrorless
Kimberly Beer:version of things. So I'm sure there was a little learning
Kimberly Beer:curve with that
Cara Taylor Swift:there was I've always been one that and I
Cara Taylor Swift:do the same thing with like other tech like cell phones and
Cara Taylor Swift:computers like I've never been one to buy the new piece right
Cara Taylor Swift:when it comes to the market, partly because it's never really
Cara Taylor Swift:been in my budget most of the time. But also because I've
Cara Taylor Swift:always said like, How can my cell phone get any better than
Cara Taylor Swift:it already is? Right? They just came out with a new and how can
Cara Taylor Swift:it get any better? It already does everything I need it to do
Cara Taylor Swift:right. So for me, I usually end up picking up something that's
Cara Taylor Swift:like one step down from the latest and greatest and I and I
Cara Taylor Swift:like that when the new thing comes out. The next latest and
Cara Taylor Swift:greatest gets cheaper. So that's usually when I buy it or
Phyllis Burchett:when you lose your cell phone and you are
Phyllis Burchett:forced to buy a new one.
Cara Taylor Swift:Ok yeah
Kimberly Beer:She lost her cell phone on purpose. Phyllis, I am
Kimberly Beer:convinced that it she she's like, Oh, look at the cell
Kimberly Beer:phone, I need to put it in my pocket. And it was like hang in
Kimberly Beer:half out. We're bumping along across the Deerwood Ranch. Oops,
Kimberly Beer:my phone got lost, we would have found that phone if she'd given
Kimberly Beer:us another 30 minutes.
Phyllis Burchett:But I also remember how excited she was
Phyllis Burchett:when she realized all the cool things that new cell phone could
Phyllis Burchett:do. Okay, one couldn't do,
Kimberly Beer:including the lip balm thing on the back of it.
Phyllis Burchett:Yeah.
Cara Taylor Swift:We're not talking about cell phones. We're
Cara Taylor Swift:talking about cameras ladies. So
Phyllis Burchett:I shoot camera too,
Cara Taylor Swift:I shoot with a 1DX. And I shoot with a 6D
Cara Taylor Swift:Mark ii. Those are my workhorses. And I think they're
Cara Taylor Swift:both very nice cameras. They are second I think my 1DX is a used
Cara Taylor Swift:camera I bought it used from KEH I think is where I got it. And
Cara Taylor Swift:the the thing is, is that I just want folks out there that maybe
Cara Taylor Swift:they can't afford to run and buy the new mirrorless systems,
Cara Taylor Swift:okay, whether your Canon or Sony or Nikon, maybe you can't afford
Cara Taylor Swift:to buy that that is okay, because you know, this rush the
Cara Taylor Swift:mirrorless has opened the SLR market in terms of prices and
Cara Taylor Swift:secondhand gear, and it is a great time to go ahead and pick
Cara Taylor Swift:up something that's new to you and something that is growth for
Cara Taylor Swift:you. And it's a great way to upgrade your system. Or if you
Cara Taylor Swift:you need a backup camera. I mean, like I think all of us
Cara Taylor Swift:would say it's nice to have a second camera, you never want to
Cara Taylor Swift:be on a job and have your system go out on you. It's nice to have
Cara Taylor Swift:something else you can pull out of your bag. So you know it's a
Cara Taylor Swift:great time to upgrade your system. So I just want people to
Cara Taylor Swift:know that just because you don't have the most expensive camera
Cara Taylor Swift:out there. Just because you don't have the newest gear you
Cara Taylor Swift:can still create beautiful images. And you know as much as
Cara Taylor Swift:I'd love to have a Canon R5 one day I just flat out do not want
Cara Taylor Swift:to invest in any new gear this year. I made that a point for
Cara Taylor Swift:myself, I'm going to invest in some other things, which means
Cara Taylor Swift:that I'm going to be sticking with my old gear a little bit
Cara Taylor Swift:longer. And I think that's totally okay.
Kimberly Beer:Totally. It is totally okay. And I'll tell you
Kimberly Beer:another thing for those of you who are looking at like the
Kimberly Beer:sensor sizes and those kinds of things and wonder, Oh wow, I if
Kimberly Beer:I use this older camera, the images that I take aren't going
Kimberly Beer:to be saleable or they're just not going to be as good. Don't
Kimberly Beer:go there. I am still selling images that I shot years ago on
Kimberly Beer:a camera that only had a 10 megapixel sensor. So I still
Kimberly Beer:sell those images. I still sell them to people to put them on
Kimberly Beer:Billboard's so there's no don't don't get yourself in the
Kimberly Beer:contest of measuring your camera's capability against
Kimberly Beer:something else. It has much more to do with you as the shooter
Kimberly Beer:than it does that piece of equipment. We'd love our tech
Kimberly Beer:but still,
Phyllis Burchett:yes my D4 that. I just replaced what this
Phyllis Burchett:new camera was with was only a 16 and a half megapixel camera
Phyllis Burchett:and I mean the sensor was great in it so it was a really fast
Phyllis Burchett:for you know the frames per second were really fast but I'd
Phyllis Burchett:say probably 80% of my images that I send to my publisher were
Phyllis Burchett:from that camera yeah is not is not imperative that you go out
Phyllis Burchett:and buy the latest and greatest you can still get great images
Phyllis Burchett:it's it is all about the user not the product.
Kimberly Beer:It is the end end product is all about how you
Kimberly Beer:shoot with that camera. So ladies, I think we're up to our
Kimberly Beer:cowgirls with cameras photo challenge for this week and
Kimberly Beer:wrapping up this episode. This has been so much fun chit
Kimberly Beer:chatting with you guys about this and remembering stories
Kimberly Beer:especially Cara losing her phone at Deerwood will tell you the
Kimberly Beer:full story on that if you tuned in on a future episode because
Kimberly Beer:it's an entertaining story. And it tells you that the GPS on
Kimberly Beer:your camera really does work. Okay, so on to Cara's looking at
Kimberly Beer:me like Kim, move it on to the challenge and quit Get off of my
Kimberly Beer:phone. Alright, so the challenge for this week. So here's how it
Kimberly Beer:works. We give you a challenge per episode, not per week, but
Kimberly Beer:per episode. And this episodes challenge is details. So what I
Kimberly Beer:want you to do is get your camera whether you have a Z9 and
Kimberly Beer:R5 or a D whatever, or if it's just your cell phone that you're
Kimberly Beer:shooting with. And I don't want to say just your cell phone
Kimberly Beer:because I think my cell phone has a better sensor in it than
Kimberly Beer:my first digital camera, the pro camera that I paid a lot of
Kimberly Beer:money for. So whatever camera you have in your hand, I want
Kimberly Beer:you to focus on the details in the western photography world,
Kimberly Beer:the details in some of the saddles and tack and horse faces
Kimberly Beer:and landscape and animals. The details are often where the
Kimberly Beer:deepest stories are. And when you take a moment to just really
Kimberly Beer:zoom in or walk in and focus on those details. You learn a lot
Kimberly Beer:about your subject and how you want to tell that story. So what
Kimberly Beer:you do is you get your photos, you take your detail photos, and
Kimberly Beer:please post those with the #CWCphotochallenge on Instagram
Kimberly Beer:so that again, that's the #CWCphotochallenge on Instagram.
Cara Taylor Swift:That's right. Thank you guys for listening
Cara Taylor Swift:today. We would appreciate it if you enjoyed this episode that
Cara Taylor Swift:you follow or subscribe whatever your listening app allows you to
Cara Taylor Swift:do that just lets folks know that you know, lets us know that
Cara Taylor Swift:you guys are listening and downloading. The other thing
Cara Taylor Swift:we'd love for you guys to do is check out our socials, we can be
Cara Taylor Swift:found at cowgirls with cameras on Instagram, and on Facebook.
Cara Taylor Swift:And our website is cowgirls with cameras calm and that's where
Cara Taylor Swift:you can learn a little bit more about Kim, Phyllis and I and
Cara Taylor Swift:also some of our upcoming photography events that we have
Cara Taylor Swift:coming up. We'd love to see you guys there. In the meantime,
Cara Taylor Swift:it's been a great episode guys. Looking forward to chatting with
Cara Taylor Swift:you in the next couple weeks.
Kimberly Beer:Y'all have a great week. Keep shooting.
Jaz:Thanks for listening to this episode of Cowgirls with
Jaz:Cameras. Don't let the laughter and learning stop here. Join our
Jaz:community on social media. And be sure to visit our website for
Jaz:more opportunities to fulfill your photography goals. Head to That's See you