About Cowgirls with Cameras

Phyllis Burchett
Prior to launching into photography, I was a horse trainer and breeding farm manager. I primarily showed Appaloosas where I won Appaloosa World and National Championships along with several Honor Rolls. I trained horses for my amateur and youth clients who went on to win several titles as well.
After my show career, I managed an equine breeding farm where I was in charge of all aspects of the Artificial Insemination Program from collection to breeding.
I was bitten by the photography bug, and a severe case of wanderlust, I have traveled the Earth capturing the amazing creatures that inhabit the world with us. I found myself captivated by the birds, bears, and stunning landscape of United States and Canada, in awe of the beautiful White Horses of the Camargue in France, documented the Horse Fishermen of Belgium, depicted the Connemara Pony of Ireland, and highlighted the iconic landscape and horses of Iceland.
In addition to capturing the amazing animals of our world, I also enjoy capturing the bond that we humans have with our four-legged friends.
I work one-on-one with clients to create custom artwork that they will treasure for a lifetime. I stop time so that you will be able to hold onto those happy moments with your furry friends forever.
Additionally, I love sharing my passion for photography and art with other photographers. You can frequently find me leading Equine Photo Tours to Iceland, and hosting workshops throughout the country from the beaches of Florida to the ranches of Montana.
If you want to know more about me. Here are six fun facts:
My current main squeeze is Kaylee, a Heeler/Hound rescue mix from Circle of Friends.
Show me a dog, any dog and I turn to mush (and give out free belly rubs).
I have a huge admiration for ranch horses but a good horse is a good horse, no matter the breed.
If I don’t have a camera in my hand or I’m not on the trails with my Quarter Horse Mare, Willow, you can find me on the river kayaking.
I have a severe case of wanderlust and live what many would describe a somewhat nomadic lifestyle. Though, I call the great state of Georgia home.
I thrive when surrounded by my family and friends. They are the most important thing to me.
Kimberly Beer
I have been a photographer since age 13 (actually before, but you wouldn’t want to see my “early” work) when I bought my first SLR 35mm camera. Horses were among my first subjects — and, ironically, I earned the money to buy that first camera by working a colt for my mother.
I have been a professional photographer since 1996 when I put out my shingle under Midnight Productions, Inc. Since then I’ve had the privilege of traveling all over the country shooting photos of horses and people and other animals (and native ruins and abandoned stuff if you want to get technical). I also volunteer as a photographer for various rescues and shelters.
In the past 10 years, I have found that I really enjoy teaching photography. I have a passion for helping people get in touch with their creativity both behind the lens and in the editing/artistic process of post capture image development.
No matter what I’m photographing, I enjoy every minute I spend behind the lens!
Some of my awards include:
Purchase Award for “Rein Vision” Missouri State Fair
Honorable Mention “Sherman’s Paycheck”
EPNet 2005 5th Place “The Morning Gather” EPNet 2010
First Place “Cowgirl Kiss” Midwest Horse Fair Photo Contest 2010
First Place “The Morning Gather” Midwest Horse Fair Photo Contest 2010
First Place “Cowgirl Kiss” Western States Horse Expo Art Contest
Cara Taylor Swift
As an equine portrait specialist, I help equestrians who enjoy time with their horses, run a horse-inspired business, or are cultivating an equine or equestrian-inspired brand. It’s my passion to create true-to-life images to show connection, elicit emotion, and inspire action. Whether you are looking for heirloom equine wall art of the horses you love, OR you are ready to design visual content for your horse business or equestrian brand that truly converts, you’ve found the right professional equine photographer!
As a lifelong equestrian, my knowledge of equine behavior and the people who share their lives with horses allows me to capture photographs that are truly reflective of their equestrian lifestyle.
Fast Horse Photography provides an unparalleled level of service through my relationship with each client and my personal commitment to providing a fun and luxurious experience from start to finish.
I’m your expert for:
Ensuring YOU look amazing in your pictures with your horses
Capturing you and your families’ life shared with horses
Helping you memorialize the final days of your senior, ill or injured horse
Equestrian lifestyle photography
High school or college equestrian senior portraits
Creating captivating horse images
Designing heirloom equine wall art
Recording your horse and human soul connection
Bringing your equestrian brand to life through:
Equestrian branding photography
Custom commercial equine photography
Licensable equine stock images
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