Confidence as a photographer can sometimes feel like a moving target! Join Phyllis, Kim and Cara as they discuss the ways that they struggle with confidence in their photography and tips that they use to battle the comparison monster and grow confidence in their photography.


It's time to laugh, learn and take your photography to the


next level with your favorite cowgirls with cameras, Cara,


Kim, and Phyllis.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there cowgirls with cameras. It's Kim

Kimberly Beer:

with Be More Business and Kim Beer photography,

Cara Taylor Swift:

Cara with Fast Horse photography.

Phyllis Burchett:

And Phyllis with Phyllis Burchette Photo How

Phyllis Burchett:

y'all doing this week? Well, considering

Cara Taylor Swift:

this is our fourth attempt to get this

Cara Taylor Swift:

started today because we keep laughing and goofing and messing

Cara Taylor Swift:

up our I think our listeners are in for quite a treat. So how are

Cara Taylor Swift:

you guys doing today?

Phyllis Burchett:


Kimberly Beer:

Well, apparently, I'm really read both from

Kimberly Beer:

laughing and from the weirdness in my camera. Oh, there we go.

Kimberly Beer:

You open up to this week.

Cara Taylor Swift:

This is a rough one. We are recording you

Cara Taylor Swift:

guys in the evening, which we don't normally do. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

apparently we all need to go take a nap before we get rolling

Cara Taylor Swift:

on this episode. But I would love to tell everyone what I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

been doing this week. For those of you that are listening,

Cara Taylor Swift:

whenever you're listening, it is just a couple of weeks before

Cara Taylor Swift:

Christmas right now that we're recording. So for me, I'm done

Cara Taylor Swift:

shooting for the year, which feels really amazing. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

anything I do is I know it's just for fun. I'm just shooting

Cara Taylor Swift:

for me right now, which is awesome. And I'm working on

Cara Taylor Swift:

finishing design work and then doing pre holiday orders. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

every day I have ups FedEx, the Postal Service, and then a bunch

Cara Taylor Swift:

of just totally random vans that I guess or maybe outsourced

Cara Taylor Swift:

delivery people showing up at my door and they're bringing prints

Cara Taylor Swift:

and framed pieces and freight I had to go take my pickup truck

Cara Taylor Swift:

down the street the other day to get a giant freight piece picked

Cara Taylor Swift:

up because semi trucks can no longer back down our road

Cara Taylor Swift:

because there's so many like low hanging limbs. So I had to go

Cara Taylor Swift:

pick up a freight piece down the roadway pickup truck to complete

Cara Taylor Swift:

the delivery to my house. So it's been a crazy week of

Cara Taylor Swift:

unboxing having fun with that, of course, and just inspecting

Cara Taylor Swift:

products and getting it delivered getting it rewrapped

Cara Taylor Swift:

and delivered, which is always a load of fun. I'm also cleaning

Cara Taylor Swift:

my office right now, which if you listen to us over if you

Cara Taylor Swift:

listen to Kim and I over on The Business Animal, one of the

Cara Taylor Swift:

things I love to do is I love to clean up my office, I feel like

Cara Taylor Swift:

it makes me so much more productive. And it just makes my

Cara Taylor Swift:

space feel so good. I don't know if you guys are that way, but I

Cara Taylor Swift:

love a clean space when it comes to being organized and working.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Oh, maybe

Phyllis Burchett:

that would help me then.

Cara Taylor Swift:

It might I mean honestly, if you're feeling

Cara Taylor Swift:

unorganized, you know, and I know how you can be sometimes

Cara Taylor Swift:

I'm always unorganized.

Kimberly Beer:

Me to fill this me too.

Cara Taylor Swift:

If I just feel like I don't want to work

Cara Taylor Swift:

today. And I'm just like, I can't feel it. If I take a break

Cara Taylor Swift:

and just Clean My Space. I feel so much better. And I feel so

Cara Taylor Swift:

much more productive. And I just want to be in my work

Cara Taylor Swift:

environment after I do that. So yeah. What about you guys? What

Cara Taylor Swift:

do you been up to?

Kimberly Beer:

Well, I'm sitting over here imagining how much fun

Kimberly Beer:

your dogs are having with all these deliveries that you're

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Yet Well, you know how loud they are when we

Cara Taylor Swift:

get a delivery when we're recording The Business Animal in

Cara Taylor Swift:

the mornings. And it's like I have to mute because they're

Cara Taylor Swift:

barking their heads off and howling. It's like that all day

Cara Taylor Swift:

long. On top of it, we're renovating a bathroom. So I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

got oh gosh, what's his name? I'm already forgetting his name.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I have a man coming in and working on our bathroom. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

every time he goes outside and comes back in, it's like he's a

Cara Taylor Swift:

stranger again. And so they lose their mind. And they're building

Cara Taylor Swift:

a house across the street. So I don't honestly remove all of our

Cara Taylor Swift:

recordings to the evening at this point because the mornings

Cara Taylor Swift:

have been so loud. It's been off the charts. So

Kimberly Beer:

so your dogs have had a busy holiday season.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, they're busy. Phyllis, what

Kimberly Beer:

have you been up to?

Phyllis Burchett:

Well, our weather is just is typical

Phyllis Burchett:

Georgia Southern weather 76 degrees two days ago and

Phyllis Burchett:

gorgeous and then and then it's cold and rainy today with like a

Phyllis Burchett:

high of 50 So I know that still warm for a lot of people but

Phyllis Burchett:

it's just the wet that gets me but you know, I mean it was

Phyllis Burchett:

gorgeous. I had time to get out and walk this morning because

Phyllis Burchett:

I've been really busy with a lot of family stuff. We had a big

Phyllis Burchett:

big wedding this weekend for my great niece and a lot of stuff

Phyllis Burchett:

going on with that lot of holiday catching up with friends

Phyllis Burchett:

because I love to. I love to entertain so I have a lot of

Phyllis Burchett:

people over to my house this time of year. Well when I say a

Phyllis Burchett:

lot of people I mean small groups of people but end of the

Phyllis Burchett:

year bookkeeping is big on my list for this time of year and

Phyllis Burchett:

just a bunch of office work. I sold some stuff at my quite a

Phyllis Burchett:

bit of gallery wraps and large P He says at my gallery, and I had

Phyllis Burchett:

to know my gallery, my co op that I'm a member of. So I had

Phyllis Burchett:

to get my brain into thinking about what I needed to replace

Phyllis Burchett:

that with and get out ordered. And then I had a bunch of stuff

Phyllis Burchett:

trying to get ready for Kim to do our prints for art of the

Phyllis Burchett:

cowgirl that we sell in our booth. And you know, it's hard

Phyllis Burchett:

just deciding and trying to figure out what sells you know,

Phyllis Burchett:

and what you should what you should spend money on printing.

Phyllis Burchett:

Sometimes that can be a really big decision. But yeah, just

Phyllis Burchett:

been I've been really busy with catch up and still trying to get

Phyllis Burchett:

images done from all my shoots for the whole year. So but my

Phyllis Burchett:

set mostly this week has been family stuff with a wedding had

Phyllis Burchett:

a lot of people in so what about you cam? What do you been up to?

Kimberly Beer:

Well, I'm gearing up and getting excited for our

Kimberly Beer:

first event in January, which is art of the cowgirl. And so I've

Kimberly Beer:

been just getting some automations put together and

Kimberly Beer:

looking at that. I've also been working on automations for

Kimberly Beer:

communications and all of our events coming up. So hopefully

Kimberly Beer:

everyone will have a beautifully smooth event experience because

Kimberly Beer:

the software will take care of things when we are in the middle

Kimberly Beer:

of something else like out shooting or something like that,

Kimberly Beer:

you'll be able to get your registrations through in a

Kimberly Beer:

timely manner and feel the love of everything that goes along

Kimberly Beer:

with our events.

Cara Taylor Swift:

We seriously thank you for that.

Phyllis Burchett:

It does look like you've been super busy.

Phyllis Burchett:

Yeah, it looks so good.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, it's but it's so necessary. And for those

Kimberly Beer:

of you who don't use automation in your business, if you're a

Kimberly Beer:

professional photographer and have a business, let me tell

Kimberly Beer:

you, automation is the way that you can have superpowers. So

Kimberly Beer:

that's what I've been doing is giving us super powers for the

Kimberly Beer:

rest of the year. I've also been really focused on recording

Kimberly Beer:

videos, tip videos, and I'm working on my iPad workflow

Kimberly Beer:

video that I'm hoping to get released around the first of the

Kimberly Beer:

year. So I've been madly recording things for Photoshop

Kimberly Beer:

and Lightroom that you're gonna get to see all year long. And

Kimberly Beer:

I'm super excited about those. So be watching for that to come

Kimberly Beer:

out. And then in addition to that, I've been writing a ton of

Kimberly Beer:

blogs as well. I'm like in writing mode. I'm in content

Kimberly Beer:

creation mode, and I am planning for next year and I could not be

Kimberly Beer:

happier. It's an amazing time of year for me. So yeah. What are

Kimberly Beer:

we talking about today? Building competence as a photographer.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Oh, I'm gonna like this topic.

Phyllis Burchett:

I'm gonna need this topic.

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, stop it. Yes. Stop it famous Phyllis.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I wasn't gonna say it. I was not gonna

Cara Taylor Swift:

say it in you said it. I didn't say it. Phyllis, I want to mark

Cara Taylor Swift:

that down. Yeah, you know, I want to mark it down that I was

Cara Taylor Swift:

not the one to say it.

Phyllis Burchett:

I'll make a note of that. Well, I think even

Phyllis Burchett:

though you may think people are confident we're we know that we

Phyllis Burchett:

all have times when we're not super confident. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

oh, 100% I think that confidence in

Cara Taylor Swift:

photography, it sometimes feels like it's like a constantly

Cara Taylor Swift:

shifting set of standards for me, you know, like, it's like

Cara Taylor Swift:

one of those moving targets, we were just talking about moving

Cara Taylor Swift:

targets the other day, that competence can be a moving

Cara Taylor Swift:

target in photography in the photography world, it can be one

Cara Taylor Swift:

of those things for me, where I'll be riding high, and then

Cara Taylor Swift:

something will happen. And my confidence will just be it's

Cara Taylor Swift:

like it gets killed. And I can give a great example of that I

Cara Taylor Swift:

had a couple of weeks ago, I had my very first ever photo shoot

Cara Taylor Swift:

where I couldn't deliver to my clients, I had a damaged piece

Cara Taylor Swift:

in my camera, it was an autofocus issue with my camera.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I didn't realize that I had made it through most of this

Cara Taylor Swift:

little mini shoot, and that my images, they weren't as good as

Cara Taylor Swift:

they needed to be. And I just I wasn't comfortable with them.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I've never had to make that phone call before and let me

Cara Taylor Swift:

tell you, you want a humbling moment. It's when as a

Cara Taylor Swift:

photographer, professional photographer, you have to make a

Cara Taylor Swift:

phone call like that, and it put my confidence. For weeks. I was

Cara Taylor Swift:

terrified to pick up the camera i i was worried that every

Cara Taylor Swift:

photoshoot after that I was going to have an issue. And I

Cara Taylor Swift:

just didn't trust trust myself for a good two weeks that I had

Cara Taylor Swift:

to get several really good shoots under my belt to pull

Cara Taylor Swift:

myself out of that place. So when I say competence can feel

Cara Taylor Swift:

like a constantly shifting set of standards. It really can and

Cara Taylor Swift:

I doubt I'm the only one that will be riding high and then

Cara Taylor Swift:

something will happen and the next thing you know you're like,

Cara Taylor Swift:

why are people paying me for this? How how I should close my

Cara Taylor Swift:

business. I am no longer

Phyllis Burchett:

every time I leave a shoot I feel that that

Phyllis Burchett:

way like Oh my gosh, I can't believe people pay me to do

Phyllis Burchett:

this. What am I doing? Oh my gosh, am I gonna have anything?

Phyllis Burchett:

Anything usable out of this? You know? Yeah, every time and then

Phyllis Burchett:

and then when I see other people's like, especially for

Phyllis Burchett:

doing a group shoot and you see other people's images and you go

Phyllis Burchett:

oh my gosh, I don't think I have anything anywhere near that

Phyllis Burchett:

good, you know? So yeah, it's a struggle we all do it.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I definitely think that and in

Cara Taylor Swift:

this world of like constant comparison, where you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

we're only sharing our best work online, like none of us are out

Cara Taylor Swift:

there showing our worst work all the all the time. So it's like,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you look around you, and you see other people and their highlight

Cara Taylor Swift:

reels of their photography, and you're looking at your pictures

Cara Taylor Swift:

and you're going through and you're saying, Okay, excellent.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Oh, God, what happened there? And oh, my goodness, what was I

Cara Taylor Swift:

taking a picture of there. So you have some shots like that,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you know, at least I do every session, I'm gonna have a few

Cara Taylor Swift:

that are Tossers. And you really do start to wonder, like, where

Cara Taylor Swift:

do you stack up? And it can be a confidence killer. What about

Cara Taylor Swift:

you, Kim?

Kimberly Beer:

So I agree with everything, both of you said i

Kimberly Beer:

There are days when I look at the images that I've shot, and

Kimberly Beer:

I've been picking. So one of the things I've been doing is I've

Kimberly Beer:ing images I want to share in:Kimberly Beer:

and I go through the images, and I'm looking at them, I can't

Kimberly Beer:

share that I can't share that I start to see all of the little

Kimberly Beer:

flaws in each particular image. And probably I'm the only one

Kimberly Beer:

who sees them. So that's a definite competence killer. And

Kimberly Beer:

I don't like when I do that to myself. And so I have to kind of

Kimberly Beer:

stop and back up and say, This is not you're you're you're

Kimberly Beer:

overthinking this, you're you're over, you're over judging

Kimberly Beer:

yourself, you're being too harsh. I am always and I believe

Kimberly Beer:

this is probably true. The two of you as well, I am by far my

Kimberly Beer:

own worst critic, I will always look at my own images in and be

Kimberly Beer:

more critical of my images than other people will. And I think

Kimberly Beer:

that that is a common thing among all artists that we do. We

Kimberly Beer:

do look at that. And Cara and I we just had a discussion very

Kimberly Beer:

similar on the business side on The Business Animal about a

Kimberly Beer:

topic like this as well, where we talked about comparison being

Kimberly Beer:

the thief of joy. And that is a That's a true statement here.

Kimberly Beer:

And it's also the thief of competence as well. And the

Kimberly Beer:

truth is, as artists, we all have our own vision. And we all

Kimberly Beer:

have a slightly different perspective and a different eye.

Kimberly Beer:

And so trusting yourself and trusting your your vision and

Kimberly Beer:

your lane, so to speak, that you're driving in, is going to

Kimberly Beer:

get to the destination you want to go in, I think is half the

Kimberly Beer:

battle. Because in the end users eyes, they're just looking at a

Kimberly Beer:

beautiful image of a horse doing something or Western lifestyle

Kimberly Beer:

or whatever subject it is you're photographing, but in our case,

Kimberly Beer:

do usually a horse of some kind, and they see the beauty of the

Kimberly Beer:

horse. And they don't pick apart their images quite the same week

Kimberly Beer:

way we do. But I too have left workshops, I have left jobs

Kimberly Beer:

going Why do people pay me to do this, and then gone home and had

Kimberly Beer:

to reassess that. So I think that's a true statement for all

Kimberly Beer:

of us. For sure,

Cara Taylor Swift:

especially when you are in a position where

Cara Taylor Swift:

you have to, you have to produce because that's how you get paid.

Cara Taylor Swift:

You know, not everyone that listens to this is pulling an

Cara Taylor Swift:

income from their business, from a photography from their

Cara Taylor Swift:

photography, passion or from a business, it may not be a

Cara Taylor Swift:

business for all of our listeners out there. But when it

Cara Taylor Swift:

is something that you have to do and your ability to like be

Cara Taylor Swift:

competent and get the job done, is linked to directly to your

Cara Taylor Swift:

ability to pay your bills. It is a it is something that can be

Cara Taylor Swift:

very scary. So you both are shaking your heads. And it

Cara Taylor Swift:

really can be and yeah, I don't know, what do you think about

Cara Taylor Swift:

that? The difference between that sometimes? I mean, it's, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't know, it gives me chills?

Kimberly Beer:

It does. And I can tell you another thing that

Kimberly Beer:

both of us experience or all of us experience right now is we

Kimberly Beer:

have all stepped out in a leadership role in the

Kimberly Beer:

photography industry. And that's a whole nother level of of

Kimberly Beer:

expressing our confidence or, you know, being vulnerable and

Kimberly Beer:

saying that we have a lack thereof, but it is it's true.

Kimberly Beer:

And I think it's it's that same sentiment flows in both

Kimberly Beer:

directions. What do you think, Phyllis?

Phyllis Burchett:

Oh, I agree. I think it's nice for up and

Phyllis Burchett:

comers or for beginners or even advanced photographers to know

Phyllis Burchett:

that, that however they're feeling we all have felt the

Phyllis Burchett:

same way at one point or another and still feel that same way

Phyllis Burchett:

every day. So it's not uncommon and then you're not you are not

Phyllis Burchett:


Cara Taylor Swift:

And I think there's something to be said for

Cara Taylor Swift:

putting yourself into positions where you aren't always

Cara Taylor Swift:

comfortable. And by that I don't mean like your gear fails. But

Cara Taylor Swift:

and you and you aren't able to fulfill, but that if you are

Cara Taylor Swift:

uncomfortable, it might mean that you're pushing yourself and

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're teaching yourself more, and you're putting yourself out

Cara Taylor Swift:

there and you're taking risks. And you're, you're being

Cara Taylor Swift:

creative in ways that maybe you've never been creative

Cara Taylor Swift:

before. And that's not a bad thing. And you're always going

Cara Taylor Swift:

to be moving the bar higher and higher in terms of your

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely, and also competence. Another thing

Kimberly Beer:

that I want to say about it is a lot of times confidence comes

Kimberly Beer:

from things that aren't associated with your

Kimberly Beer:

photography, for example, you may have a limiting belief about

Kimberly Beer:

yourself, or you may have something that someone else has

Kimberly Beer:

placed on you. And they're I want to say an interject, which

Kimberly Beer:

is a gestalt word for something we took and swallowed whole,

Kimberly Beer:

someone may have told you at some point in time in your life,

Kimberly Beer:

that you you, you weren't a value or that your work wasn't

Kimberly Beer:

good. And you may have taken that as, as something that you

Kimberly Beer:

just believe, without any further evidence, and that can

Kimberly Beer:

really rattle your competence. So it's not always just in our

Kimberly Beer:

shooting. It's also in in those things that we picked up along

Kimberly Beer:

life, it's in the trauma, it's and PTSD, it's in how our

Kimberly Beer:

relationships have unfolded. There's a complicated equation,

Kimberly Beer:

to understanding the level of competence you have in anything

Kimberly Beer:

and photography in particular.

Phyllis Burchett:

Those are all great points cam, I'd kind of

Phyllis Burchett:

like to share a few things that might help with building

Phyllis Burchett:

confidence or self esteem in your personal life, which

Phyllis Burchett:

therefore will lead to your photography, career or life

Phyllis Burchett:

also, I think one thing for me too, is to look back on your

Phyllis Burchett:

past achievements, it doesn't matter how small they are just

Phyllis Burchett:

anything that you can call a win look back on those times in your

Phyllis Burchett:

life when you had those either little wins or big wins that

Phyllis Burchett:

made you feel good. For me personally, I think cam kind of

Phyllis Burchett:

helped me with this one is Is she did hook me up with a

Phyllis Burchett:

gestalt coach and I think finding a way to change the

Phyllis Burchett:

negative story that your inner critic is telling you is a big

Phyllis Burchett:

help. And whether that be with a gestalt therapy, you know,

Phyllis Burchett:

session or a therapist, or even a friend that maybe you can talk

Phyllis Burchett:

to you about things, I think, you know, just changing that

Phyllis Burchett:

negative story that's inside of you, like change that somehow.

Phyllis Burchett:

Did I say that right? Kim I mean, you can do that one

Phyllis Burchett:

better. I probably said it. And I think another one too is it in

Phyllis Burchett:

this was a big one that helped me is becoming a mentor for

Phyllis Burchett:

other photographers, you may think that well, maybe I don't

Phyllis Burchett:

have that level of experience yet. But it doesn't matter. Even

Phyllis Burchett:

if you're a beginner photographer, you can take

Phyllis Burchett:

someone that's let's that's coming along with you and help

Phyllis Burchett:

them and you'll by doing this you'll realize how much value

Phyllis Burchett:

that you can bring to the table just by helping someone and

Phyllis Burchett:

whether that be photography or another aspect in your life

Phyllis Burchett:

it'll really help your confidence. This is this one for

Phyllis Burchett:

a while and I know you too will probably not agree with this was

Phyllis Burchett:

really hard for me. But don't shy away from compliments when

Phyllis Burchett:

somebody tells you you're famous Phyllis, take it take it and say

Phyllis Burchett:

yes I am.

Phyllis Burchett:

She's fine yeah, that's still a hard one for me. So I really

Phyllis Burchett:

don't want to do that. But anyway, I think I think kind of

Phyllis Burchett:

I say fake it but I don't mean really fake it. But you know, if

Phyllis Burchett:

you're just a starting professional photographer,

Phyllis Burchett:

dress, the par watch your body language, use a lot of eye

Phyllis Burchett:

contact, when you talk to people smile, stand up straight, all of

Phyllis Burchett:

these are good or good confidence or they make you

Phyllis Burchett:

appear more confident. And by appearing more confident you

Phyllis Burchett:

will be more confident so and another thing for me too is to

Phyllis Burchett:

focus on what you do know if you're trying to to if you're in

Phyllis Burchett:

a group setting where you're having to do some public

Phyllis Burchett:

speaking or just talk to other people focus on what you do know

Phyllis Burchett:

another big one for me especially the over the past two

Phyllis Burchett:

years and just trying to get in a more healthy mindset was take

Phyllis Burchett:

care of yourself when you when you eat healthy and exercise

Phyllis Burchett:

regular and get enough sleep and you feel better than all of this

Phyllis Burchett:

is a great confidence booster and and that was a really big

Phyllis Burchett:

one. For me personally, I think being grateful focus on being

Phyllis Burchett:

grateful maybe even keep a gratitude journal if you can.

Phyllis Burchett:

I'm not very good at journaling. But I know I have a couple of

Phyllis Burchett:

friends that are really good at journaling and one of the first

Phyllis Burchett:

thing they do every day is spend five minutes just telling what

Phyllis Burchett:

they're grateful for and writing down some gratitude things.

Phyllis Burchett:

Number one is to be like if you're having to go do if you

Phyllis Burchett:

are having to go do a job or something and it may be it may

Phyllis Burchett:

be something out of your wheelhouse a little bit be

Phyllis Burchett:

prepared even if It's something that's in your wheelhouse being

Phyllis Burchett:

prepared by practicing, reading, doing a lot of research and get

Phyllis Burchett:

ready for whatever it is that's coming up in your life. Also,

Phyllis Burchett:

think about visualizing your goals and choosing a positive

Phyllis Burchett:

mindset, like, look at what you want to accomplish. And

Phyllis Burchett:

visualize that in your mindset so that you can be, you know,

Phyllis Burchett:

kind of positive that it's gonna happen one day, I think when you

Phyllis Burchett:

visualize things they do happen. So that's it for me guys. How

Phyllis Burchett:

about Cara, what are you? What are some good ones for you?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, like I said, at the, you know, the top

Cara Taylor Swift:

of this show is that I feel like confidence, there's just like a

Cara Taylor Swift:

killer around the corner of it anytime. And I'm very sensitive

Cara Taylor Swift:

to when things don't go well. Or if I feel like I failed in some

Cara Taylor Swift:

way that affects me, to my core, and it can be I can have 100

Cara Taylor Swift:

people saying you did a good job. And then one person tell me

Cara Taylor Swift:

that they thought the image was crap, or that the way that

Cara Taylor Swift:

something went down wasn't good. And I will only focus on that

Cara Taylor Swift:

one thing. So for me, you know, working on my confidence is a

Cara Taylor Swift:

daily struggle. And it can constantly feel like it's a

Cara Taylor Swift:

shifting set of standards in my brain. So one of the several of

Cara Taylor Swift:

the things that I do are kind of focused around preparation, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

feel like if I can think through the the process, which is part

Cara Taylor Swift:

of the reason like why I work with clients, the way that I do,

Cara Taylor Swift:

like I from start to finish, I need to visualize how every step

Cara Taylor Swift:

of that process is going to go. And I don't like to get to a

Cara Taylor Swift:

shoot and not know what our game plan is, I just don't operate

Cara Taylor Swift:

that way. So for me, being able to really think through and

Cara Taylor Swift:

practice using my gear, if I have new equipment, I want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

use it, I'd never use photoshoots, especially

Cara Taylor Swift:

photoshoots, I'm being paid for to test out gear, I always

Cara Taylor Swift:

practice I always set up something specific for learning

Cara Taylor Swift:

new gear, poses new techniques, I'd love to practice those

Cara Taylor Swift:

before I use them in a paid situation. That's that's big for

Cara Taylor Swift:

me and shooting all the time, especially in the beginning, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

needed to be shooting and using my camera every day, what

Cara Taylor Swift:

happens to me now is that I go through periods where I might

Cara Taylor Swift:

not be actively shooting, you know, two or three times a week.

Cara Taylor Swift:

So I have to make myself go out and take photographs. Because

Cara Taylor Swift:

what will happen is I get rusty, not resting necessarily on like

Cara Taylor Swift:

the muscle memory of using a camera. But things like posing

Cara Taylor Swift:

people like pose flow, if I don't have that in my brain and

Cara Taylor Swift:

something that that that post flow muscle, if I'm not actively

Cara Taylor Swift:

working that I can definitely be so much less confident when I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

got clients in front of me if it doesn't feel like it's flowing

Cara Taylor Swift:

easily. And so having that kind of set post flow situation in my

Cara Taylor Swift:

brain, because I practice it helps me so much. So yeah, so I

Cara Taylor Swift:

like to say I'm most confident when I'm prepared. When I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

thought through at all, when I plan for any type of pitfall

Cara Taylor Swift:

that can happen, people, there have been people that tell me I

Cara Taylor Swift:

worry too much. But the truth is, is if I can't think through

Cara Taylor Swift:

every possible bad situation that can happen, then I'm going

Cara Taylor Swift:

to be anxious about it. So sorry, one of us has to be the

Cara Taylor Swift:

worrier of the group. And it's me. So the other piece of that

Cara Taylor Swift:

is model calls, I love to do model calls when I'm testing out

Cara Taylor Swift:

something really different. If I'm using new gear, or I want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

try a new lighting situation, or new props that I've never used

Cara Taylor Swift:

before a model call is an awesome place for that. And it

Cara Taylor Swift:

really gives me confidence because first of all, I'm I'm

Cara Taylor Swift:

shooting in a way that I'm not having to necessarily create

Cara Taylor Swift:

something that's going to affect my bottom line right in that

Cara Taylor Swift:

moment. And then when I the next shoot that I have or where I

Cara Taylor Swift:

plan to use that I can go into it with so much more confidence

Cara Taylor Swift:

because I know how to make that situation work. And there are

Cara Taylor Swift:

some things that I think a lot of photographers get hung up on

Cara Taylor Swift:

in terms of, especially if they're maybe enthusiastic

Cara Taylor Swift:

amateur photographers, or they're new to starting their

Cara Taylor Swift:

business. I don't know about you guys, but I've had photographers

Cara Taylor Swift:

that I've been mentoring tell me that they don't know even how to

Cara Taylor Swift:

talk about like confidently about their, their business or

Cara Taylor Swift:

about what they do. Maybe photography is a hobby, maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

it's something they do part time. Maybe it's something

Cara Taylor Swift:

they're hoping to move from a full time gig into a photography

Cara Taylor Swift:

business one day, and people will ask them, they might be

Cara Taylor Swift:

shooting on the rail at a horror show. They'll ask them, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, tell me what you do, or are you a photographer, and they

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't know how to answer that question off the top of their

Cara Taylor Swift:

head. They don't know how to say yeah, I'm a photographer. I'm a

Cara Taylor Swift:

horse photography. I'm an equine photographer. They don't know

Cara Taylor Swift:

how to answer that. And they tend to say things like, oh,

Cara Taylor Swift:

yeah, I take pictures and they're just really they really

Cara Taylor Swift:

don't come across as confident. So I tell people think about how

Cara Taylor Swift:

you talk about your business. Think about how you talk about

Cara Taylor Swift:

what you do as an artist. and be prepared to answer that question

Cara Taylor Swift:

when people ask you have that elevator pitch or that one liner

Cara Taylor Swift:

that describes what you do, and that you are comfortable saying

Cara Taylor Swift:

it out loud. One of the things I always say to people is,

Cara Taylor Swift:

especially if you sell if you're if you are selling photography,

Cara Taylor Swift:

or you're selling to your clients, art images, be

Cara Taylor Swift:

comfortable with the words that come out of your mouth. And the

Cara Taylor Swift:

only way I can be confident in that is by saying them out loud,

Cara Taylor Swift:

before I actually have to say them out loud, or say them over

Cara Taylor Swift:

and over again, and practice how they come out of my mouth. So it

Cara Taylor Swift:

doesn't feel awkward. And so I'm not insecure about about that.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, so the other thing around just in terms of if you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

thinking about not just shooting, but if you want to

Cara Taylor Swift:

work with clients, or if you are selling photography, practice

Cara Taylor Swift:

things like answering common questions that come up over and

Cara Taylor Swift:

over again, know how you want to respond to that, and practice

Cara Taylor Swift:

getting those words out of your mouth, practice responding to

Cara Taylor Swift:

common sales objections, and, you know, practice asking

Cara Taylor Swift:

questions that you would ask to prospective clients to get more

Cara Taylor Swift:

information from them. That's a big thing. People are just

Cara Taylor Swift:

nervous, having conversations with people, sometimes that can

Cara Taylor Swift:

be a real competence killer. The last thing I'll say here, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

that's something that I feel has brought me the most success not

Cara Taylor Swift:

in photography, necessarily. But just as a woman in business

Cara Taylor Swift:

throughout my entire adult life, is surround yourself with people

Cara Taylor Swift:

who support you find those people who believe in you, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

they believe in what you do and what you represent. And find

Cara Taylor Swift:

people who you can share ideas and resources with, I like to

Cara Taylor Swift:

say that when I go into a situation, especially a learning

Cara Taylor Swift:

environment, I try to find the people that look like they have

Cara Taylor Swift:

their shit together that know what they're doing the maybe the

Cara Taylor Swift:

who I think look like the smart ones in the room, and I will go

Cara Taylor Swift:

and sit my butt right down right next to them. And I will tell

Cara Taylor Swift:

you, that is how I became friends with Kevin Phyllis, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

sat down next to them and never got up and drug them, you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

made them drag me along with them when they went places and

Cara Taylor Swift:

not saying you should do that you shouldn't harass somebody?

Phyllis Burchett:

Well, I don't know, I think that's what you

Phyllis Burchett:

get when you join cowgirls with cameras as, as a community.

Phyllis Burchett:

That's what we like, we

Cara Taylor Swift:

have that capacity. Yeah. And so that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can, you know, really, you know, you need those people in your

Cara Taylor Swift:

life who can give you a dose of healthy reality when you need

Cara Taylor Swift:

it. But you also need to think about the people that are

Cara Taylor Swift:

building you up. And that have been in your shoes before and

Cara Taylor Swift:

being your those people. And you know, I love my family, I love I

Cara Taylor Swift:

have friends that I love. But I also have people that I don't

Cara Taylor Swift:

spend as much time with because they are people that maybe don't

Cara Taylor Swift:

believe in the work that I do, or don't believe that

Cara Taylor Swift:

photography, and specifically the niche of Equine photography

Cara Taylor Swift:

is a sustainable industry. And I need to separate myself to some

Cara Taylor Swift:

extent from those people that are bringing me down, I need

Cara Taylor Swift:

people who support me and believe in me, in my life more

Cara Taylor Swift:

than I need those other negative influences. And I know there are

Cara Taylor Swift:

people that are listening to this right now that probably

Cara Taylor Swift:

have significant others that are in relationships, I have family

Cara Taylor Swift:

members that maybe don't believe that their little photography

Cara Taylor Swift:

business is ever going to make anything, or that this hobby

Cara Taylor Swift:

that they love. So much is worth investing so much time and

Cara Taylor Swift:

energy and money into. But I think that I mean, we all have

Cara Taylor Swift:

those people, we've all had those people. So try to figure

Cara Taylor Swift:

out, you know, look for those shining stars in your life that

Cara Taylor Swift:

are going to build you up and make you happy and bring you

Cara Taylor Swift:

competence instead. I'll get off my soapbox.

Phyllis Burchett:

No, I I agree with all that. I think we all

Phyllis Burchett:

agree with that.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, and I think Phyllis made a really good point

Kimberly Beer:

in saying that that's what we strive to do in our photography

Kimberly Beer:

experiences when you come to those is we want to offer you a

Kimberly Beer:

safe environment, and one that is supportive so that you can

Kimberly Beer:

stretch your wings out a little bit and fly. And so you'll have

Kimberly Beer:

somebody there to answer those questions for you. Or to help

Kimberly Beer:

you figure out what went wrong or help you figure out what went

Kimberly Beer:

right in his situation and do so in a way that's not judgmental

Kimberly Beer:

or harsh. And that really is supportive because honestly,

Kimberly Beer:

photography and horsemanship I think both offer two things in

Kimberly Beer:

that there are life long learning opportunities. You will

Kimberly Beer:

never learn it all about photography and you're never

Kimberly Beer:

going to learn it all about horses or the western lifestyle.

Kimberly Beer:

But being able to have people along on the ride that are there

Kimberly Beer:

to help you and support you through as much learning as you

Kimberly Beer:

can get and then help you build your confidence is absolutely

Kimberly Beer:

key and I believe hurdle We that for all three of us. That is one

Kimberly Beer:

of the things that we want to make sure that we offer from

Kimberly Beer:

ourselves in our in our events and our experiences. And also

Kimberly Beer:

that we foster a community that offers that on going when it's

Kimberly Beer:

not the three of us in the room, but people who have been to our

Kimberly Beer:

events, or had something to do with cowgirls with cameras. I

Kimberly Beer:

think that is all very critical. And thank you, Phyllis, for

Kimberly Beer:

pointing that out and bringing it up. And in that context, I do

Kimberly Beer:

have one thing I want to add to this long list of ways that that

Kimberly Beer:

we've come up with in this episode of having people build

Kimberly Beer:

confidence. I think Phyllis gave you some great advice for life.

Kimberly Beer:

And I think Cara gave you some great advice as a photographer,

Kimberly Beer:

the one thing I would like to add to this is in building your

Kimberly Beer:

confidence, try to look at how you hold on to mistakes or

Kimberly Beer:

failure because in general, we can kind of start out as

Kimberly Beer:

confidence have a few wins. And then something is going to come

Kimberly Beer:

along, whether it's a camera failure, a card failure, or just

Kimberly Beer:

an oversight, or something that didn't go quite right in a

Kimberly Beer:

situation are not like planned, no matter how much you rehearse

Kimberly Beer:

or practice, there are going to be times that you experience

Kimberly Beer:

failures or mistakes as a photographer or just a human

Kimberly Beer:

walking through life. And one of the things that I think is

Kimberly Beer:

seriously helped my confidence as a human being and as a

Kimberly Beer:

photographer, is mindfully learning how to hold those

Kimberly Beer:

mistakes. And failures as failures are not failures. But

Kimberly Beer:

failures are learning experiences that teach me a way

Kimberly Beer:

to do it better. And mistakes also offer me an opportunity.

Kimberly Beer:

And I'm not going to hang on to the mistake long term. I get it,

Kimberly Beer:

I realize it, I process it, I integrate it, and then I let it

Kimberly Beer:

go. And I think that that is one of the things that you have to

Kimberly Beer:

practice and building your competence. Because if you hold

Kimberly Beer:

on to a mistake, or a perceived failure, and I do say perceived

Kimberly Beer:

intentionally there, if you hold on to a perceived failure, long

Kimberly Beer:

term, it can cause a lot of other things to start to go

Kimberly Beer:

wrong in your in your competence building. So please ask

Kimberly Beer:

yourself, you know, are you holding on to things that maybe

Kimberly Beer:

were mistakes you made or things you didn't know, a year ago, or

Kimberly Beer:

six months ago or heck, even two hours ago, and now you have a

Kimberly Beer:

better vision and can just let go of that and not not get held

Kimberly Beer:

on to it long term. So that's a big feature, I think in building

Kimberly Beer:

your competence is not to hold on to those things as you

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

That's such a good point. I think it's really

Cara Taylor Swift:

easy to get hung up and derailed. You know, you let

Cara Taylor Swift:

those things pull you down.

Phyllis Burchett:

Right. And it's hard not to dwell on some

Phyllis Burchett:

things. And I think it's hard to get out of that mount mindset

Phyllis Burchett:

sometimes. For sure.

Kimberly Beer:

It is and that's where the Gestalt just comes in

Kimberly Beer:

handy. Like like Phyllis is experienced. It's, it's where

Kimberly Beer:

someone can help you sometimes guide you to see things clearer

Kimberly Beer:

than you would be able to see on your own. That's my my 10 cents

Kimberly Beer:

for tonight.

Cara Taylor Swift:

All right, well, I have a feeling that

Cara Taylor Swift:

there's other folks out there right now that have listened to

Cara Taylor Swift:

this episode and maybe feel a you know, feeling a little bit

Cara Taylor Swift:

not triggered but like yeah, I felt a little bit of what

Cara Taylor Swift:

Phyllis was saying, you know, or I felt a little bit about what

Cara Taylor Swift:

Kim was saying there. I really resonated with that. Or maybe

Cara Taylor Swift:

they're worrywarts like me, who knows? But if you are, and you

Cara Taylor Swift:

enjoyed this episode, please let us know we're on Instagram at

Cara Taylor Swift:

Calrose with cameras and on Facebook calculus with cameras.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Also we have a photo challenge. So what we would love for you

Cara Taylor Swift:

guys to do for the cowgirls with cameras photo challenge, using

Cara Taylor Swift:

#CWCphotochallenge, share an image that you created that you

Cara Taylor Swift:

feel pushed your skill level, or boosted your confidence in some

Cara Taylor Swift:

way. We want to see it and if you we'd love if you tagged us

Cara Taylor Swift:

and then use #CWCphotochallenge and we'd love to share share

Cara Taylor Swift:

that image for you. We'd love to hear your story about you know

Cara Taylor Swift:

why Why was this a push for you? Why did this image boost your

Cara Taylor Swift:

confidence? Let us know. It's also good content to put out

Cara Taylor Swift:

there. So it's a there's an easy one for you when you're posting

Cara Taylor Swift:

I need to think about what mine is going to be. So if you are

Cara Taylor Swift:

thinking man, this sounds like fun. I want to join Kim, Phyllis

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara at one of their upcoming events. We have some

Cara Taylor Swift:

really fun stuff coming up. Several of the events are

Cara Taylor Swift:

already full but we have the cottonwood ranch experience

Cara Taylor Swift:

coming up in Nevada. We have opening still for those of you

Cara Taylor Swift:

that are real beginners out there that wanted to jump into

Cara Taylor Swift:

equine photography and want to really learn how to use your

Cara Taylor Swift:

cameras and how to photograph people with horses. That's an

Cara Taylor Swift:

event we have coming up in St. Augustine, Florida, the spring.

Cara Taylor Swift:

We've got events really cool experience coming up in

Cara Taylor Swift:

Colorado. I believe our dry head event is full. Is that correct?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Is it full now? Yet Phyllis is having her head. Yep. It's full.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Art of the cowgirl is currently full. Is that correct? We have a

Cara Taylor Swift:

waiting list for that only Yeah, I believe well,

Phyllis Burchett:

the Jan Queen Creek Arizona or the Calgary is

Phyllis Burchett:

full. They don't have the summer gathering. They don't have it

Phyllis Burchett:

listed yet. But it'll be the first of June and Montana for

Phyllis Burchett:

those that are interested. Okay. We don't have any details. Yeah,

Cara Taylor Swift:

they're okay. Horses on the beach. And Iceland

Cara Taylor Swift:

are currently full. And then go ahead, Phyllis.

Phyllis Burchett:

Though wilderness event in Colorado the

Phyllis Burchett:

end of September. That will be that will be a really fun one.

Phyllis Burchett:


Cara Taylor Swift:

the wilderness adventure. Yes,

Cara Taylor Swift:

that's going to be amazing at trappers lake. So, Lake Lodge so

Cara Taylor Swift:

there are so many cool things that you guys can come and hang

Cara Taylor Swift:

and learn and take cool pictures and we'd love to hang with you

Cara Taylor Swift:

guys. So check us out at calibers with Click

Cara Taylor Swift:

the Events tab and see which one you think fits you the best we'd

Cara Taylor Swift:

love to chat with you about our about options, so reach out

Cara Taylor Swift:

anytime. Thanks for joining us today.


Thanks for listening to this episode of cowgirls with


cameras. Don't let the laughter and learning stop here. Join our


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more opportunities to fulfill your photography goals head to

Jaz: That's See you